Name of the motion : Clarifying Rules for Termination
Presentation of the motion : The wording about the termination of membership was vague in regards to the GA decision to terminate membership. The rule of gathering “a tenth of Members from three different continents” appears to be incalculable. It is therefore suggested that a revision to the statue clarifies that anhy three member parties can submit a request of termination and voting at the GA is contingent on 2/3 approval.
Text of Motion to Read at the GA ’
Does the GA agree to allow 3 members to present a request for termination of a party?
Does the GA agree to have 2/3 approval to confirm termination?
Body of the motion : (2) Decisions on changes of membership, such as suspension, reinstatement and exclusion, fall within the competence of the CoA, and can be appealed to the GA. If the member does not appeal, the decision becomes effective at the end of the meeting of the GA, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise. A proposal for the exclusion of a Member may be submitted either by the Board, or by three ordinary members. The GA would then have to agree by ⅔ majority to remove that member.
Original text
(2) The decisions on the changes of Membership, such as suspension, reinstatement and exclusion, fall within the competence of the Court of Arbitration, and can be appealed to the General Assembly. If the Member appeals, the decision becomes effective at the end of the Meeting of the General Assembly, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise. A proposal for the exclusion of a Member may only be submitted by the Board, or by a tenth of Members from three different continents.
Yes, exactly. We are continuing the original statute of “Voting”, whereby decisions are reached by 2/3. We are simply getting rid of the following clause that makes it difficult to submit: “A proposal for the exclusion of a Member may only be submitted by the Board, or by a tenth of Members from three different continents.”
The German delegation will vote “no” to this motion, as we do not think that the proposed changes are actually helping to make any matters clearer as they laid out in the current statutes. Moreover we second Vojtech’s comments. We recommend to other PPI Members to dismiss this motion as well.
I would propose alternative text as countermotion then;
(2) The decisions on the changes of Membership, such as suspension, reinstatement and exclusion, fall within the competence of the Court of Arbitration, and can be appealed to the General Assembly. If the Member appeals, the decision becomes effective at the end of the Meeting of the General Assembly, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise. A proposal for decisions on the change of Membership to Court of Arbitration may only be submitted by the Board, or by group of tenth of Ordinary Members.
I think it clarifies some matters and removes an unnecesary barier of 3 continets which raises lot of questions; (Like what is a continent and also making some parties more importatn as they are lonelier on their continents.)
(Its a discussion proposal, not an official proposal by PP-CZ yet.)
I second the proposal from @VojtechPikal , but I recommend revising to at least three or a tenth of Ordinary members. On my last count there are 23 active Ordinary Members, so that would mean 2 members should present the termination of membership. According to the statute, there are a number of defunct parties whose membership has not been officially terminated. This is somewhat of a problem when a new party forms in its place that must be reinstated. To restate Vojtech’s proposal with a minor grammar adjustments:
(2) Decisions on changes of membership, such as suspension, reinstatement and exclusion, fall within the competence of the Court of Arbitration, and can be appealed to the General Assembly. If the Member appeals, the decision becomes effective at the end of the Meeting of the General Assembly, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise. A proposal for decisions on change of membership to Court of Arbitration may only be submitted by the Board, or by a group of at least three Ordinary Members or a tenth of Ordinary Members if there are 35 or more Ordinary Members.
Well the official list lists 37 Ordinary members, so… At least 4 at the moment. (With 21 its still 3 btw.)
Or we can include Observer members in the group and let the number jump by 16 to 53 total. (requiruing 6 members to do that proposal)