Name of the motion : Creating and filling of offices of the Board
Presentation of the motion : This proposal aims:
- To claryfi the terms seat, office and position in the statuses. Office is a named function held by a member of the Board. Seat is a pleace in the Board (or other organ).
- To establish approval voting as a system for all positions. (Details can be set in the RoP of GA.)
- To eliminate unnecesery elections of alternate board members, as there usualy is plenty of candidates to the Board who pass the approval of majority of votes but can not fit into the Board immidiatelly. It follows that these people should take the seat if any empties. The list is created anew with each Board elections, as at the moment it is either empty, or the candidates on it should redeclare their willingnes to be in the Board.
Body of the motion : Change Statutes XII. (Board) as follows:
XII. Board
(2) The Board
and the AlternateMembers are elected for two years by the General Assembly at the regular sessions or if an extraordinary session is requested for that purpose. The Board Members shall be elected using approval voting. Only candidate approved by majority of voters can be elected (XI. (1a) St.).
(2a) This rule applies only once: At the next regular session, every secondary seat of the Board and the Alternate Board - according to the number of their previous votes - will be new elected due to establish a rotating system. In case of a tie at the previous votes a decision is taken by drawing lot.(4) The Board elects among the Board Members
a) a Treasurer and
b) a Chief of Administration
c) a Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson
if theseatoffice became vacantNo Board Member shall fulfil more than one office.
(5) deleted
(6)(5) Otherpositionsoffices may be created by the Board.
(7)(6) There shall befourAlternate Members of the Board. If one seat of the Board becomes vacant, one of the Alternate Members shall follow-up according to a list and become Board Member.The position of the Alternate Members on the list shall be determined by approval voting.The list shall consist of candidates for Board Members who were supported by majority of voters but could not fit into the Board. The list is valid until next Board Elections.
(8) Alternate Members following-up on the Board shall have no office, but may be elected into one by a majority vote of the Board.
Support : [insert the name of the supporters of the motion, including yours]
Rapporteur : Vojtěch Pikal