Nominations for 2025 Winter GA

Please make any nominations here for offices, including the name of the nominee, the position, and the name of the delegate(s) making the nomination.

Nominations by PP-DE:

  • Chairperson
    Gregory Engels

  • Board members
    Bailey Lamon PP-CA
    Carlos Polo PP-CH
    Maycow Toledo - PP-BR
    Alexander Isavnin - PP–RU
    Etienne Evellin - PP-FR

  • Alternate board members
    Sara Hjalmarsson PP-SE
    Babak Tubis PP-DE
    Schoresch Davoodi PP-DE

  • Lay auditors
    : Noam Kuzar PP-IL
    : Nikolay Voronov PP-RU

Thomas Gaul, Delegate PP-DE