Membership Applications Received


Pirátska strana - Slovensko (Pirate Party – Slovakia)
Pri pšeničnej bráne 495/31
900 43 Hamuliakovo
(P.O.BOX 39, 810 08 Bratislava, Slovakia)
June 18 2019
Pirate Parties International (PPI)
c/o Maître Dimitri Tzortzis
4, boulevard des Tranchées
CH 1205 Genève
Dear board members of the Pirate Party International,
I’m contacting you as a chair of the Pirátska strana – Slovensko (Pirate Party – Slovakia) on behalf of
my colleagues in the party on the matter of our desire to join ranks of the PPI as early as on the next
(December 2019) General Assembly. For the last year, since our split with the Slovak Pirate Party,
which is already nominally a member of the PPI, we’ve been closely collaborating with the Czech
Pirate Party and would like to expand our horizons and ties to other Pirate parties out there.
The desire to join your organisation has been expressed by a unanimous agreement by our members.
We also express our agreement with the mission and, perhaps even more importantly, the statutes
of the PPI. So as it is a requirement for an application to be even considered: The Pirate Party -
Slovakia hereby expresses its adoption of the PPI’s statutes.
We’re therefore sending you this application, which, I hope, shall meet all the necessary
requirements, either directly in it or attached to it in other files (some submitted later on), for us to
be allowed to be voted on by the upcoming GA.
As the contact person (international coordinator) we chose, for the moment, myself, until such time
we elect a permanent coordinator.
You also require an e-mail address for any possible press communication, which would be; for any general queries also is available.
The date we consider our party to have been established on is December 31 2018, which is the date
of our registration as an NGO by the Slovak Ministry of Interior. Since then, we managed to acquire a
friendly defunct political party, completely took control over it (just in the terms of its shell and it
being already a registered party, which is immensely hard to do by oneself in Slovakia) and are now
in the process of submitting our new statutes (based on those of the PPCZ) and changing its name to
Pirate Party – Slovakia. Any necessary documents (with English translations), shall be sent to you
shortly. We just want to deliver this application in time for the one month deadline before the
December GA.
Although the political landscape of Slovakia is very different, in time we’d like to emulate the success
of the Czech Pirate Party, which currently takes place in our sister country.
The current board members are as follows:
Michal Pírek, chair
Peter Rigo, vice-chair
Zuzana Krušinová, board member
We’re looking forward to your reply as well as to our party being a member of the PPI one day.
Michal Pírek m.p.
chair of the Pirate Party – Slovakia
+421 917 677 464

  1. Party statutes in Slovak*
  2. Party statutes in English*
  3. Party’s program in Slovak*
  4. Excerpt from party’s program in English*
  5. Registration of the NGO in Slovak + English description of the document*
  6. Party’s logo
    *Marked attachments shall be delivered to you at the shortest possible time, probably within a
    week. We apologise for this inconvenience.