Election of Officers

This December we will hold elections for the following positions. Please, submit your nominations.

1 Vice Chairperson
3 Board Members
Alternate Board Members (no limit)
3 Lay Auditors
6 Court of Arbitration members

Proceed with the elections but ensure that the term would start on Jan. 8th

We have held elections at the winter GA since 2017 when we changed to the rotating system. We have elections for half the board one year and half the board, the next year. We had elections for vice chairperson and 3 board members at the winter GA 2 years ago on Jan. 8, 2022. I believe we should elect the board members at this GA, but they will not officially be seated as board members until the next board meeting on Jan. 8, 2024. Otherwise board members might have to serve for 3 years or we would have to call a special GA one month later, or have GAs that are progressively a few days or weeks later. Usually the election takes place before the end of the term, and then you have an inauguration ceremony soon after to officially change the guard. The alternate positions are also for 2 years, but we changed the rule to make unlimited alternates possible who replace board members based on seniority and voting order.
Keep the elections at the December 2023 GA but announce that the terms will officially begin on Jan. 8, 2024 and will be for the years 2024 and 2025.
15yes.png15x15 Yes : Alexander, Mike, Keith, Mauricio, Bailey,
15no.png15x15 No :
Pictogram voting neutral.svg15x15 Abstain : Mia, Gregory, Maycow (in the chat)
Result: motion has passed, the members have to be informed with the invitation about possible procuderes about the elections, including the days of when it might get into effect

On 2023-12-05 21:28, Thomas Gaul wrote:

Dear Board of PPI,

on behalf of Stadtverband Potsdam Piratenpartei Deutschland I hereby
nominate the following persons for the position of Members of the


Keith Goldstein
Sebastian Krone

Proof for the nomination can be found at:
Potsdam/Beschluss/2023-004 – PiratenWiki

Wishing a successful GA on Saturday,

best regards

Thomas Gaul
Stadtverband Potsdam
Piratenpartei Deutschland

On 2023-12-06 10:08, Board wrote:

Dear Board,

In accordance with our PPI statutes under Art V.2.b, we nominate the
following persons for the positions to be filled at the General
Assembly on December 9-10, 2023:

Gregory Engels (PP-DE) as Vice-Chairperson
Gregory Engels (PP-DE) as Chairperson (if an election should also be held here).

Manuel Caicedo / PP-CL Board Member or Alternate Board Member
Keith L. Goldstein / PP-IL (recommended as Secretary General)
Alexander Isavnin / PP-RU Board Member or Alternate Board Member

Thomas Gaul (PP-DE) Alternate Board Member
Thomas Gaul (PP-DE) Lay Auditor
Thomas Gaul (PP-DE) Court of Arbitration

Sebastian Krone (PP-DE) Board Member (recommended as Treasurer) or
Alternate Board Member

Kind regards

Sebastian Krone aka “Bastian”

Pirates without Borders
German Office
Am Bürohochhaus 2-4

D-14774 Potsdam

Swiss Society located in
CH-9000 St.Gallen

Phone: +49 (331) 24371539
Fax: +49 (331) 24370154
Mail: board@pwb-pog.org
mailto:board@pwb-pog.orgWeb: https://pirates-without-borders.ch

PPDE Proposal: Beschluss #217913: Anträge zur PPI - GA am Wochenende 9. & 10.12. 23 - Bundesvorstand 17 - Redmine - Piratenpartei Deutschland

wie bereits auf dem BPT angesprochen hier meine Anträge / Anträge der IK zur Delegation & Kandidatur für o.g. Veranstaltung

Der Bundesvorstand möge beschliessen:
"Zur Generalversammlung der PPI am WE 9. & . 10.12 werden als Deligierte beauftragt:

Gregory Engels

Martin Kollien-Glaser

Der Delegation können bis zu 6 Mitglieder angehören, es wäre wünschenswert, wenn der Bundesvorstand
hier weitere Deligierte benennen könnte.
Die Delegation gilt bis zum Beginn der nächsten GA"

Der Bundesvorschlag möge beschliessen:
" Zur Generalversammlung der PPI am Wochenende 9. & 10.12. 23 bzw zur dort stattfindenden
Vorstandswahl werden von deutscher Seite für den Vorstand der PPI nominiert:

Vice Chairperson (1)

Gregory Engels (PP-DE)

Board Members (3)

Keith L. Goldstein (PP-IL)

Alexander Isavnin (PP-RU)

Manuel Caicedo (PP-CL)

Lay Auditors (3)

Manuela Langer PP-DE

Court of Arbitration members (6)

    Thomas Gaul PP-DE

    Joe Onoroski PP-USA

    Ohad Shem Tov PP-IL


Martin Kollien-Glaser
Mitglied der IK
Zuständiger IK BuVo16