motion for statute amendment; May, 2nd, submitted by the pirate party austria
M2: PPI voting week
At the last general assembly (GA) it came to our attention, that there is a wish for more member participation as well as a perceived lack of voting mechanisms within PPI by some members. In order to fix that a motion to introduce a permanent general assembly mode was forwarded. Pirate Party Austria was opposed to this motion, as we think it was in violation of established statutes and needs a complete rewrite of given and proven statues. Furthermore a permanent mode could make PPI more prone to malevolent individuals while the benefits of a permanent open GA mode can also be achieved by a different, more secure and procedurally simplistic system. This is our recommendation for such a system.
Introducing PPI voting week
Voting week is an asynchrous email based voting mode that enables members as well as the board to achieve a general assembly level decision without actually having to hold a GA. It ensures a full week of vote submission for maximum inclusion and participation and introduces a 1/3 member right to hold a voting week. The procedure works as follows:
The voting week will be initiated either by a simple majority vote of the board of PPI or by a motion introduced by at least 1/3 of registered members of PPI. Once quorum is established a follow-up public announcement to all members starts the 6 week period by next monday at 00:00 hours local time. First week will be used for the introduction of statute amendments that have a four week filing period. Week one to four will be the time to introduce general motions and to promote and debate. Week five will be a frozen state were PPI announces all submissions publicly and sends out the order of business to all members. On Week 6 from monday 00:00 to sunday 24:00 local time all members are to vote on the amendments and motions by their delegates. All votes will be published by PPI and sent to the members. Votes can be revoked but not changed within the following 24 hours then the results will be final. The results of voting week are equal to GA decisions. Regular rules apply.
Statute amendment
A point (8) should hereby be appended to IX. General Assembly:
(8) A voting week equaling an extraordinary session can be held at the request of one third of the Members or by a decision of the board. Procedure as specified in the Rules of Procedure of the PPI General Assembly Article 9 applies.
Rules of Procedure
An Article 9 Voting Week should be appended to the Rules of Procedure of the PPI General Assembly:
Art. 9 Voting Week
(1) Once voting week is decided, the board is to a publicly announce voting week including dates and deadlines. A member notification is mandatory.
(2) The six week process starts by the following monday at 00:00 local time.
(3) Statute amendments need to be submitted during week one.
(4) Motions can be submitted in week one throughout week four.
(5) Week five is a frozen state. All submitted amendments and motions need to be publicly announced during week five. A member notification including the order of business for week 6 is mandatory.
(6) All delegates can submit their votes in week 6 starting at monday at 00:00 and ending at sunday 24:00 local time.
(7) A follow-up member notification including all votes cast is mandatory.
(8) Votes can be revoked by delegates within 24 hours after the member notification. Votes cannot be changed.
(9) After (8) all votes are final, a public announcement is to be given and decisions to be set in place.