[Amendement] Clearer composition and elections of the Board

Ive missed that. Somebody should update Statutes on mainmage, than - STATUTES – Pirate Parties International

My intentiton is not to change the number of Board members. (Although I did not support enlargement last year)

Ill fix that in my proposal.

I want to have distiction between;

a) Seat - physical person holding membership in elected PPI body;
b) Position - person on Seat holding distinct postition within a body
c) Office - any person doing work for PPI or its body

Board members can elect between them to a position, but not to a seat.

Yes. (It is my intention to forego alternate elections as a separate thing. They should be elected as part of the Board election process. Less bureaucracy and peperwork with separate nominations and elections. More candidates for the Board. Better voting system?)