New vote tool : Congressus

Name of the motion : New vote tool : Congressus

Presentation of the motion : This motion is to ask the Board to set up Congressus for the management of meetings and votes within the PPI.

Body of the motion :
A. The GA asks to the Board to install Congressus as the new application for the management of meetings and votes.

B. This installation must be effective in order to use Congressus for the 2019 GA.

C. The GA asks the board to prepare a revision of the GA Rules of Procedures in order to adapt them to the use of Congressus.

Support : PPFR

Rapporteur : @Etienne

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I would like to refrase (counterpropose) as:

General Assembly

  1. Tasks the Board to evaluate Congressus
    a) as tool for remote elections and voting on the points of General assembly meetings (St. XI (6)),
    b) as a permanent online e-Democracy system (St. XI (4)),
    c) as o tool for online general assembly meetings,
    d) as a tool for Board meetings,
    and report ist findings within 2 months to Members.
  2. If Board finds Congressus applicable in its report, it shall prepare it for use in such cases on PPI servers within 2 months after report release.

I withdraw my proposition and I support the Vojtech contre proposal