Have all members succeeded to log in to their emails and receive emails to the board? I see everyone on the board list except for Zbyněk Mucha.
Has the issue that messages from others to the board are discarded? I don’t have access to change that setting, even as an owner of the list. I brought up this issue in Wire. We must be able to receive emails from outside sources.
We invite you to join us for our monthly social, commonly known as “Pirate Beer”. This will be the first Pirate Beer since the last GA.
When: Saturday, March 10th at 21:00 UTC/22:00 CET
I, as CoA member, have no information what so ever on how to :
- be sure that I’m register somewhere (on tools ?)
- to discuss with my courtmates
It’s a bit disturbing
Has the coa@pp-international.net email been checked? The board does not have access to this email list. We must ensure that all coa members receive emails to this list, and also that anyone from outside the members can also send mails to that list in the case of an issue.
If PPI wishes to participate in the next PP-EU Board meeting, it should designate its representative(s) at the upcoming March 29 Board meeting.
After being banned from Twitter, I propose to speak about the possibility of filing a complaint against Twitter at an International level in the name of freedom of speech. I will explain what happens to me, and the reason why I’ve been banned of Twitter on the next meeting of the board on march 29th at 18 CEST.
A quick message from a member of the CoA
According to your RoP, you already have a treasurer and it’s Bailey
If 3 board members (including alternate board members) are present the board makes quorum.
You were more than that, quorum is OK
Only members of the board are entitled to vote.
first rule for voting rights
Board members may delegate their vote to another specific board member, or they may delegate their vote to an alternate board member. The most senior ranking alternate board member will take the first delegated vote, and each additional delegated vote will be given to the next in line. No alternate board member can hold more than one delegated vote. All board members who cannot attend should delegate their vote in advance.
there a bit some contradiction and that’s the point that permits alternate to vote BUT delegation has to be declared AND “All board members who cannot attend should delegate their vote in advance.”, “should” is not “must”, it’s not mandatory
If 3 board members (including alternate board members) are present, unanimous votes are necessary to approve a proposal. If 4 votes are present, 3 votes are still necessary to approve a decision. If more members are present, a majority of votes are necessary to approve the decision, with a minimum of 3 affirmative votes.
Here we have some resolution algorithm for the vote
even if Mia and Bastian (alternates, without delegation) refused to vote, you were still 4, more than 3 for the quorum, there were 3 yes and 1 abstain, so you have the “If 4 votes are present, 3 votes are still necessary to approve a decision”
if you count Mia and Bastian as abtaining voters you still have : “If more members are present, a majority of votes are necessary to approve the decision, with a minimum of 3 affirmative votes.”
so according to the RoP, all requirements were fullfilled to have a valid vote
I can’t write for Mia, but I’ll abide by the Chairperson’s directive that I have no voting or speaking rights on the Board.
There has been no comment or resolution from the rest of the Board despite my request. So, at most, I am a guest with speaking privileges.
We have ended the good teamwork in the Board from the past after the GA in January 2023 at the latest on 29.03.2023. This is unpleasant, but easily detectable, and also led to the cancelled GA on 29.07.2023 (it is not even mentioned in the PPI wiki).
I continue my daily work in the PPI-Tec team. But I heard that this will be changed soon. Then there will be a handover and good.
Blaming me in the subtext of RoP I think is very unfair.
#Alternate Rights: What issue is there with the voting and speaking rights of alternates?
::Alternates clearly have voting and speaking rights according to Board Rules of Proceedure 5.5. “The most ranking alternate board member will take the first delegated vote, and each additional delegated vote will be given to the next in line. No alternate board member can hold more than one delegated vote. All board members who cannot attend should delegate their vote in advance.”
::Ideally absent board members would delegate their votes, but even if they don’t, the alternates who are present assume the place of those board members who are absent.
#GA: " cancelled GA on 29.07.2023 (it is not even mentioned in the PPI wiki)" This is incorrect. Immediately when the GA was cancelled I included a reference in the minutes: "Total Voting Power of the GA is 5 out of 27). Power needed for establishing the quorum is 9.
<Power would have been conceivably 8 out of 27 with Luxembourg, Russia, and Ukraine>.
The meeting was adjourned due to lacking sufficient votes." PPI Minutes 2023-07-29 - PPI
*If any other motion on alternate board member rights or mention of the GA cancellation is needed, please let us know.
*There should not be any secret meetings or discussions regarding the work of PPI. I’m not sure what you heard, but we must ensure that all conversations are transparent and there is a good teamwork. I hope that we can come to a resolution where everyone can contribute to the organization and enjoy their participation.
PPUS member message that I want to gather up all of us that either 1- do dev work or 2-design work. I add a call for a working group. For design work it is usually under SCENE "SCENE (campaigning)
Standing Committee on External Networking Engagement
This committee specializes in campaigning, media and public relations and sharing of good practice in this field among our members."
We received a request from PPFR for any response regarding their proposal to leave PPI that they will vote on towards the end of January. Do we have a response?
We received an inquiry from the Pirate Party of Sri Lanka by email that we should discuss.
We need a section on our website with logos and visuals that people can download and use.